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Food lover, food blogger, loves to cook for friends and family and specially for Mr Petite Cheffe!

If you’re into cooking and might think it’s too tough and messy, this blog is for you! Enjoy the easy, healthy seasonal recipes! Coming your way 3 times a week! A large choice of vegetarian recipes, dinner and lunch ideas, desserts and How-to recipes, all video illustrated! So enjoy cooking and bon appétit!


Steamed Broccoli & Gnocchi

 Steamed Broccoli & Gnocchi

The weather outside is frisky and with cold weather come the colds and the soar throats! Broccoli, a vitamin-C charged legume, also in season, is our best ally! Enjoy this recipe on any chosen day of the week, and most especially, on your meatless Monday!


  • 1 whole Broccoli
  • 250g Gnocchi
  • Organic Lemon (zest)
  • Parmesan cheese
  • Butter
  • Salt & Pepper

How to Make It

Step 1

Begin by cutting the crown of the broccoli away from the stems and flowers. Preserve the stems and crown for making your own homemade vegetable broth

Step 2

Place the florets into a basin of water and give them a rinse

Step 3

Get the steaming water hot and steamy first, before adding the broccoli to the steamer basket

Step 4

Set your timer for only 5 to 6 minutes. Smaller florets may only need 5 minutes to cook, while larger florets need 6. I recommend starting with 5 and then testing the broccoli with a knife to see if it is cooked through

Step 5

In the meantime, in a different pot, bring some salted water to a boil 

Once the water starts boiling drop in the gnocchi. You know that the gnocchi are cooked once they all float up to the surface

Step 6

Into a skillet add a chunk of butter, and once it has melted drop in the drained gnocchi and toss around until they gain some colour

Step 7

Finally, serve the gnocchi with the broccoli florets, adding a good amount of lemon zest and parmesan cheese, season with salt & pepper and enjoy hot



Nutrition Facts:

Broccoli (Brassica oleracea) is a cruciferous vegetable related to cabbage, kale, cauliflower, and Brussels sprouts.

These vegetables are known for their beneficial health effects.

Broccoli is high in many nutrients, including fiber, vitamin C, vitamin K, iron, and potassium. It also boasts more protein than most other vegetables.

This green veggie can be enjoyed both raw and cooked, but recent research shows that gentle steaming provides the most health benefits


Did you know that:

Broccoli was mainly grown in Italy up until the 16th century. It wasn’t before a royal wedding that the legume was brought to France!

The word broccoli comes from the Latin word brachium and the Italian word braccio, which means “arm”.

Broccoli comes in a variety of colors, ranging from deep sage all the way to dark green and purplish-green.


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