Where seasonal meets delicious โ™ก  

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Food lover, food blogger, loves to cook for friends and family and specially for Mr Petite Cheffe!

If you’re into cooking and might think it’s too tough and messy, this blog is for you! Enjoy the easy, healthy seasonal recipes! Coming your way 3 times a week! A large choice of vegetarian recipes, dinner and lunch ideas, desserts and How-to recipes, all video illustrated! So enjoy cooking and bon appรฉtit!


English Teatime Scones

I am ever so happy to being back to cooking and baking! Sharing with you this iconic english teatime recipe! Easy and quick to make! Follow my step by step recipe and enjoy your scones with your choice of marmelade or jam! And please DON’T go easy on the butter ๐Ÿ™‚ย  Ingredients 3 cups (450 […]Read More

Vegetarian Pad Thai

Who on earth does not LOVE asian cuisine? Rich in colour, texture and spices, swinging between the sweet and the sour… mmmm just describing it makes my mouth water In my pantry, I always have the necessary ingredients to stir up an asian dish, but the one recipe I most recently discovered, (and donโ€™t ask […]Read More

Delicious Yalanji

I have been saving this favorite recipe for a special occasion. With spring finally upon us and the preparation for the byzantine / middle eastern Easter festivities, this vegan dish is perfect  for lent season. Filled with fresh Tomatoes, loaded with Parsley, seasoned with olive oil and pomegranate molasses, and a good dose of patience, […]Read More

Easter Brioche Bread

Easter is here, and it comes baring beautiful blue skies and warm lengthy days! One of my childhood memories, celebrating easter morning back home, is the fresh sweet smell of freshly baked brioche bread. This recipeย  comes in many shapes and forms, from the traditionally braided Italian easter bread, to the English fluffy hot cross […]Read More

Delicious Hummos

The spelling of this dish can be widely inconsistent, most populariy found under Hummos, Hommos or Hoummous, this delicious Middle Eastern dish is the star of every Mezzeh table! Traditionally made with cooked and mashed chickpeas, blended with Tahini (sesame paste), lemon and some recipes include garlic.ย  As is the case with most Middle Eastern […]Read More

Homemade Artisan Bread

Who hasn’t already experimented with homemade Bread making? Some have succeeded better than others that’s for sure, and others, like myself, have had to go through several recipes and techniques before I found this fail free recipe!ย  For bread making I always buy organic flour and I go for the semi whole wheat type 65 […]Read More

The Best Tomato Sauce

I know what you’re about to say, but Tomatoes aren’t yet in season!! I know, I know, but I just couldn’t wait to share with you this deliciously homemade recipe! For those of you who follow me on Instagram, know from my stories that I am totally and utterly addicted to making my own homemade […]Read More

Chicken Burger Patty

Ever since I started making my own Burger Buns I started experimenting with different recipes to enjoy my burger with. I had a few chicken breasts, freshly bought and didn’t quite know what to make with them. What I don’t like about deboned chicken is that, once cooked, it very quickly becomes dry and uninteresting […]Read More