Where seasonal meets delicious ♡  

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Food lover, food blogger, loves to cook for friends and family and specially for Mr Petite Cheffe!

If you’re into cooking and might think it’s too tough and messy, this blog is for you! Enjoy the easy, healthy seasonal recipes! Coming your way 3 times a week! A large choice of vegetarian recipes, dinner and lunch ideas, desserts and How-to recipes, all video illustrated! So enjoy cooking and bon appétit!



Gluten Free Banana Bread

Bringing you my very first Gluten Free recipe! I discovered this recipe when I was about to bake a cake for my dear friend Pauline’s birthday, who recently had to go off gluten! I, myself am not a fan of the over commercialized  « Gluten Free » Label but do realize that a lot of people out […]Read More

Vegetable Biryani

Biryani has been satiating hunger for centuries! Although thought of as an Indian dish, most research shows that originally, the dish is from Persia! Very often served with meat, yet the vegetarian version of it is as delicious if not even yummier! I just love the colours and the mixture of textures in this dish. […]Read More

Traditional Brownies

Brownies are a staple of home-baked goods that any kitchen worth its salt has attempted at least once! Here is a recipe a lot of my girl friends will be over-the-moon-happy to know that I am finally sharing it out in the open! I remember having tried out several recipes before I found this one! […]Read More

Jerusalem Artichoke Curry Soup

Today I am showcasing an ancient vegetable. Jerusalem artichokes, or Sunchokes aren’t actually artichokes, but rather a variety of sunflower that resembles a ginger root! Contrary to what the name implies, this root vegetable has nothing to do with Jerusalem. It is thought to be derived from the Italian word for sunflower : Girasole Today’s […]Read More

Roasted Pumpkin Soup

Happy Monday, post Holloween weekend, and pumpkins are still in full bloom! Showcasing two delicious products in today’s healthy, vegetarian, vegan friendly recipe. The Kabocha pumpkin, with it’s deliciously nutty flavored edible skin, and the black garlic!! A delicacy known to very few! Enjoy this heartwarming soup as the days grow shorter and the nights […]Read More

Butternut & Tahini

It’s that spooky night of the year! The night we all dress up and go to costume parties or stay in and expect lots of kids at our doorsteps for trick or treating! OR, and this is a 2020 special, you might be stuck at home, confined again, just like The Petite Cheffe, in search […]Read More

Cauliflower Gratin

Cauliflower is like that one shy person that kind of melds into the crowds at a party. It doesn’t have the striking color of a carrot, nor the great reputation of broccoli. However, once you get to know cauliflower a little better, you’ll soon discover its true value. Let’s give it some deserved attention, shall […]Read More

Autumn Pear Pie

Pears are in full bloom, and if you have a pear tree you know how urgent it is to find recipe ideas to use up the fresh pears before they go rotten! Here is a tasty, simple dessert that you can make in no time and enjoy any time of the day. I have previously […]Read More

Smokey Mutabbal

 Mutabbal is a popular appetizer from the Levantine. It is made of mashed cooked and scorched eggplant, mixed with tahini (made from sesame seeds), olive oil, lemon juice, and garlic. What makes a homemade Mutabbal unique is how you cook the aubergines. To get the smokey flavor out you must scorch the eggplant. You either do that by directly placing […]Read More

Grilled Aubergine in Tahini Sauce

Aubergines are widely used in our middle eastern cuisine; you are probably well acquainted with the iconic aubergine based dish called Mutabbal, or better known as eggplant caviar. This recipe resembles the Mutabbal in ingredients but it is much easier and quicker to make! This being said, my special, smokey, delicious Mutabbal recipe is coming […]Read More